17 March 2009

Dang Right, It's Sunny and 65 in Cleveland Today!

Can't believe it! Officially started my spring break yesterday (I say officially since mentally I was on it a few weeks ago), and it started off with sunny blue skies and temperatures in the 50s! Been pining for warm weather, smell of earth, crocuses, throwing the kids outside, airing out sheets, and hanging laundry on the line. Finally, it is here. All for me--I'd like to think so anyway!

And then today, 60s and blue skies! Coincidentally, I received my first issue to Martha Stewart in the post (I know, I know, but her people have really good ideas; and thank you Scharf family for the lovely gift subscription). As Phin lay napping in his crib, and Lizzie visited with Grammy at her house, I dug out the gross plastic sunbathing chair (cobwebs and pine needles included), poured myself a cool glass of water, wired myself to my iPod, and baked in the afternoon sun for about 30 minutes as I read about decoupage Easter eggs and poached black trout. Result = a really good idea for Easter eggs, a dose of Au naturale vitamin D, and a pinkish glow to my wintry-grey skin.

In my heart of hearts, I know this weather will not last, that winter will rear its ugly head one last time, but I'm livin' the most of it today. For it is unknown, even by weather.com, what tomorrow will bring.

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