29 March 2009

The Last Day

Today is the last day of Spring Break. Tomorrow I begin counting down the days until summer vacation. This is one of the things that I love about teaching (that sounds bad). What I mean is, I love how I can compartmentalize time into 6-10 week periods and look forward to the beginning or the end of something. While I enjoy the process, it is always a bonus to reach the end, look back, and reflect fondly (not always) on what was accomplished (or not). So, here's looking forward to the next 10 weeks (and then summer vacation!).

I think this was one of the best breaks I've had yet. It was especially relaxing, for I was not traveling out of the country, nor was I prego and nesting. It was just calm, and the kids and I took one day at a time. Lizzie and I had a lot of fun reconnecting, and Mark and I discovered that it takes about two weeks to detox her from all of the influences at school. The past few days have been a dream with her. Last night, Mark and I were commenting on how she has taken another developmental leap. Words and phrases and actions are much more polished and mature. She knows words like 'unnecessary' and uses proper grammar like, "Thank you for eating breakfast with Daddy and me." You know, it's funny that when babies are little, we teach them words by showing them an object, such as a ball, and saying, "Ball." I don't recall showing Lizzie a picture of unnecessary and saying, "Unnecessary." It sort of floors me when she uses language correctly, especially when it's something like, "G-- damn it, Mark!" Just cracks me up!

Phin, too, has made some major leaps over the past couple of weeks. I am now officially Mama and Mark is officially Dada. He has accumulated two PHAT bruises on his face: one on his right eye where he fell into the corner of the coffee table at my mom's house, and one across his forehead (not sure how that happened). We are anticipating more bumps and bruises since he is exercising bipedality more frequently these days. Although crawling is still his favorite mode of transportation (or my carrying his 25lb arse around), he's gettin' around just fine on two little feet!

Amongst our notable excursions over the past two weeks were a trip to the West Side Market, which Lizzie adored, a short visit to the zoo, many walks in the neighborhood, a bit of shopping, swimming at the pool, one lazy PJ Day with fresh popped popcorn in the best popcorn machine ever known to man (you can see it here) and a few movies, and all around pure laziness. My favorite part, though, was the day that I got to spend with my husband fishing for steelhead (view story here).

Today, Sunday, blue skies and warmish weather await us.

24 March 2009

Queen for the Day

It has been five years since Mark and I went fishing for steelhead Mark style. Things like babies and incompatible work schedules have gotten in the way. So imagine how excited we were to finally have a mutual day off in the middle of the week! Whoo Hoo!

We floated a stretch of a "tributary to Lake Erie," which I have never done before. Usually, we hike, but today, Mark was my "guide," for he rowed my arse down the river, showed me where the fish were, and made me cheesy brats on a bun stream side. We also took a short walk up to he waterfall and witnessed the flight of an American Bald Eagle. Oh, and we also caught fish!

The Queen

and her trusty guide. AKA My One True Love

20 March 2009

Too Close for Butt Sniffing (they know what each other had for breakfast)

25 Things about Our Dog Otis (You could even replace 'Otis' with 'Mark')

1. Otis's full name is Otis the Terrible. He came from Royalabs, so we thought, "Hey, every royal family needs to have the Terrible."

2. Otis was a Christmas gift to Mark when we first started dating. Some say that I saved Mark's life, but deep down, I believe it was Otis.

3. Otis has many nicknames, including but not limited to: 1. Schmoo-ie 2. Schmotis 3. O-do 4. Shtankie 5. O 6. The Original Smoocher Poocher 7. O-tie 8. You dumb (insert expletive)!

4. Vacuum cleaners and Otis don't get along.

5. Otis cannot be bothered with parlor tricks. It just isn't his style.

6. Otis firmly believes he is a human.

7. Otis's dog's name is Phred.

8. Otis used to ride shot-gun in Mark's Jeep until I kicked him to the back seat.

9. Otis is Mark Mark is Otis.

10. Otis has been a critical element in shaping, maintaining, and saving my relationship with Mark. He has this knack for interjecting comments for Mark and/or me that neither one of us can get away with saying directly to each other.

11. Otis went on an eating strike once, so we used the cat to persuade him to eat (we dangled the cat's body over the food bowl and Otis thought something else was trying to eat his food). When that didn't work anymore, I pretended to eat his food. He bit me on the nose. (Stop laughing)

12. Otis loves to sleep in three places: our bed, Mark's truck, or in a tent.

13. More on #12: The first night that we had Otis, Mark picked him up from his basket on the floor and brought him into bed with us. He said, "Just until he gets used to us." Apparently, Otis still isn't used to us.

14. Shockingly, Otis is not motivated by food. Actually, he's not motivated by much. Mostly just girl dogs.

15. If I had to make a bet, Otis would be a registered Republican. (Can't win 'em all....)

16. Otis currently smells like skunk. This is 100x better than what he normally smells like.

17. Otis is a not a particularly favorable canoe mate. He shifts his tush too often and throws the entire boat off balance.

18. Otis has a natural built in navigation system. I would blindly follow him anywhere.

19. When he was younger, Otis would get rug burn on his nose from trying to "bury" bones behind the couch.

20. Otis is especially skilled at catching flies/bees/bugs that fly. Oh, this also reminds me that he likes to eat ladybugs.

21. Otis and Mark have almost drowned together--twice.

22. Otis always takes the path of least resistance. This is most evident while traveling.

23. Otis nearly died about a year ago when he got caught in a coyote snare. Mark found him almost lifeless and just in time.

24. Otis is cool.

25. Otis can pick up chicks better than The Fonz.

17 March 2009

Sunshine on My Shoulders Makes Me Happy

Dang Right, It's Sunny and 65 in Cleveland Today!

Can't believe it! Officially started my spring break yesterday (I say officially since mentally I was on it a few weeks ago), and it started off with sunny blue skies and temperatures in the 50s! Been pining for warm weather, smell of earth, crocuses, throwing the kids outside, airing out sheets, and hanging laundry on the line. Finally, it is here. All for me--I'd like to think so anyway!

And then today, 60s and blue skies! Coincidentally, I received my first issue to Martha Stewart in the post (I know, I know, but her people have really good ideas; and thank you Scharf family for the lovely gift subscription). As Phin lay napping in his crib, and Lizzie visited with Grammy at her house, I dug out the gross plastic sunbathing chair (cobwebs and pine needles included), poured myself a cool glass of water, wired myself to my iPod, and baked in the afternoon sun for about 30 minutes as I read about decoupage Easter eggs and poached black trout. Result = a really good idea for Easter eggs, a dose of Au naturale vitamin D, and a pinkish glow to my wintry-grey skin.

In my heart of hearts, I know this weather will not last, that winter will rear its ugly head one last time, but I'm livin' the most of it today. For it is unknown, even by weather.com, what tomorrow will bring.

24 February 2009

Phredo Dog-leone: 25 Things about Our Dog Phred

1. Phred's breath stinks like the dickens. If not his breath, then just Phred. Like corn chips or dirty socks.

2. Phred is a much better behaved dog than Otis. Always has been, always will be. (Always has been an area of contention for Mark and me, always will be.)

3. If Phred could eat one thing from the wild, it would be goslings (or maybe a half rotted muskrat, but we try to prevent him from eating them. Yuck.).

4. Phred can perform an incredible variety of parlor tricks. We get a big hoot out of "Bang" where he drops to the ground and plays dead. He even twitches. The runner up would be when he balances a treat on his nose, then catches it in his mouth on command.

5. Phred is a dick. Always has been, always will be.

6. Phred hates riding in the car. His stomach gets woozy. Always has, always will.

7. Phred is not a dynamic character.

8. Phred loves his Phred Bed. In fact, he will prance up and down the stairs until we release the baby gate so he can hide away in his bed.

9. Phred can play fetch for hours and not get bored (so long as he has a willing human to toss the ball/stick/rock).

10. Phred is still a dick.

11. Deep down, Phred would love to bite a human. And then shake it like a kitty.

12. Phred loves to carry stuffed animals around in his mouth. Or any other object that is near by. He doesn't chew it, like his brother Otis, he just carries it around while wagging his tail.

13. Phred is motivated by food. As if.

14. Phred has a black patch of fur (like a beauty mark) on his left shoulder. We tried to claim him as defective with the breeder, but because he is a dick, she wouldn't take him back.

15. Still a dick. We just checked.

16. Phred's alter ego is a goat.

17. Phred makes disgusting slurping noises when he sleeps.

18. We love to snuggle with Phred (when he doesn't stink). He's soft and mushy and warm and fuzzy.

19. Phred has the softest ears in the world. I especially like them when they are cold.

20. Once, when Phred was about two years old, I entered him in an agility contest. During the second run of the course, Phred jumped ON TOP of the tunnel, not THROUGH the tunnel. The entire audience laughed. It was embarassing.

21. 20 should have been, "Phred is a dick," but the agility story is a case in point.

22. Phred looks all nice and friendly on the outside, but he has a super vicious mean streak. I am glad he is part of my pack.

23. Phred's theme song is Low Rider.

24. Phred wanted to name Luca, the cat, "Lunch."

25. Phred was named after Fredo Corleone from the Godfather. Both dicks.