17 February 2009

I'll Save Your Heart

Self portrait taken June 2008, Penns Creek Backpacking Trip

...Lizzie exclaimed while we were getting ready for bed tonight. I was lamenting over her scaly skin, which has been plagued by a serious case of eczema, and said to DH, "This is just breaking my heart, Mark, to see her skin like this and to see her all itchy." During the summer, Lizzie has the most beautiful skin. It's usually nut-brown from the sun and no trace of eczema anywhere. But as we head into the winter months, Lizzie loses her sun kissed glow and out comes the viciously itchy rash all over her young waterproof and breathable shell. Mark and I go back and forth about what we think causes it--soy, dairy, wheat--but most notably, we always come back to the fact that there is little sun in these parts of the world from November to March, and so she lacks a sufficient amount of vitamin D to ward off skin irritation and inflammation in the winter. Thinking of tossing her in a tanning booth during these dark days.... (I digress)

So then Lizzie wrapped her little hands around my face and said, "I'll save your heart, Mommy." I nearly died right there. All the sudden the eczema was gone and the lotion in my hands evaporated. I grabbed my little girl as tight as I could and snuggled her close while I breathed in the fresh wetness of her hair. I laughed to clear my throat and to ward off any potential tears from escaping my eyes.

Mark tussled her hair, " You already did, honey,you already did."

(At this point, I am sending out an official APB for information on getting rid of eczema. We welcome any suggestions of the natural persuasion (no steroid creams, please, we're trying to get rid, not suppress)).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in a funk yesterday afternoon, kind of grumping around, and I realized (a) I'm in the grieving process for the house and (b) I miss my best friend. (c) I miss spending time with your family and watching these kids grow up.

...This post makes me happy for the challenges and blessings that being a mom and a parent will bring.