This is my first post with contributing author and colleague, Brenda. She started this email post around school a few days after the greater Cleveland area (okay, just our neighborhood) was plagued with a power outage because of the Hurricane Ike's tail wind (60 mph winds). For the record, this is nothing compared to what others are experiencing. And I don't even want to imagine what could have been....
See comments in blue (Bridgette--that's me)Brenda wrote:
Welcome back to the Blog of the Powerless. Decided to bask in bright lights for the evening, so took in the Tribe game. Considered stopping at Bridgette's on the way home for a bed time story, but thought it might be too late.
Never too late--although, in this case, went to friend's house for free dinner and electricity. Knew that well-rested-Shannon was already asleep, so that stop was out, too. At home, emptied bowls in fridge of melted ice water.
Spent afternoon empying melted water from cooler. Examined food in there. Hope probiotics are still alive. Neighbor stopped over. She has power (ugh!), but gave me her leftover, melting ice. Sighed as I emptied the entire contents of my freezer and sopped up yucky chicken goop with a paper towel (being careful not to create more laundry than I already have). GROSS! Could only imagine the lecture Mark would give me for throwing away "perfectly good food." Also checked out deep freezer. Yep. All that needs to go too. Decided to save that for another day. Needed to be cleaned out anyway. At least there was no big flood this time. Noticed that the Sunday PD TV Guide is still as crisp as the day it arrived. Discovered that clip-on book light works well as personal task lighting if it is clipped on to my collar. Need to look down when walking, however. Cat is still limping. Must clip book light on waist band for in-home travel. Am becoming an expert at peeling wax off the table at just the right balance between liquid and cool solid. Too soon, it's a mess and my fingers burn. Too late, it breaks and parts stick to the table. As Goldilocks says, 'just right."
Gave up on candles. Much prefer the alien glow from the two Coleman lanterns that are strategically placed throughout the house.Am beginning to regard my cell phone as the 21st century Swiss Army Knife. It's my alarm clock (discovered snooze function), a rather efficient flashlight (cat appreciates it), a pocket watch, and friend locator at Progressive Field. All this activity depletes the battery power more than my short commute can recharge. Charger is now on my desk. New habit to develop.
New waves of anxiety have developed especially when I misplace my cell phone. Can't rely on the microwave for time anymore. Mark jumped the bed this morning when the phone rang, "Who's calling!?" So grumpy, surly even. Just the alarm, sweetie... donuts still need to be made even when it's dark.BotP welcomes new member, Lori, who lost power last night. Report received during 5th inning. Hard to hear all details during Choo's go-ahead RBI double. Fellow game attenders confirmed that a transformer blew on Taylor Rd. yesterday.
Yep--heard the "bang" about three times. Knew it wasn't good. Sigh. Lori has taken previous BotP blogger's wisdom to heart and is prioritizing which refrigerator spoil-ables to consume first. No, no the meat. Guess again.
We've worked through all the good stuff in the fridge. Will the veggies be okay? I don't see mold yet.... Eggs again for breakfast with some old cheese. Food tastes so much better when you really can't see what you're eating. A peep from the breakfast table this morning, "Mommy, can you give Phin and me a little more light?" And, "Can you get my butter to melt on my toast?" Realized that Phin is much easier to feed --have milk even without power. Speaking of, found new occupancy in Nammy's Place freezer along with friends down the street and at Kelly's house. Texted Kelly this morning to bring the frozen shrimp to school today. It really does take a village....
Stay tuned for updates from old and new members of Blog of the Powerless. Thanks for reading. We'll leave the light on for you. Or not.